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Autism at the "Toy Store"

It was meant quite harmless. It was like a Christmas shopping trip to the famous toy store that kids everywhere just love decidedly. It ended in disaster. We always lead to Christmas shop in October. November and December to fill the shops to capacity with shoppers, some of which are just rude, most of which unite and exhasted good percentage of them are pretty grumpy. We already know that taking our autistic son goes shopping to be a challenge, so that we get in situations such as the Christmas shopping months as to avoid the plague and go early and hide the gifts until Christmas. An ounce of prevention with autism, this is the only cure.

It was a happy enough to start. My baby was very irritable and very talkative. He wanted to see whatever, and he wanted to tackle whatever. He has no concept of earning a living together. He knows you have money for things to get you to pay, however, not in the least understand that money is a scarce commodity. From there, he does not shop in moderation or understand why he can not lead to what he wants. This led naturally into the usual comments from me from the beginning. "No!" "Put it back." "Not now." and "Christmas is just around the corner, that Santa Claus will bring her a lot of toys."

This constant dialogue with him often draws the attention of nearby shoppers who can not give trust, my son sounds like spoiled them. My boy, how many children with autism, looks just like any other child and the audience does not understand that there are differences unite. His language skills are poor, and the one would betray his secret, except that the things he wants to say, well carried and trained in a toy store. He is very good with: "This is cool" "I Can" "We have to buy" and "Please mama!" This is his favorite. "Please mom, please, Oh, pray tell Mama, please, please, please." He sings like a choir and has repeated it many times, I anticipate a chance to get him to tell NO.

I always take him uff (berlinerisch) Thomas the display, in this shop. It is there where he can touch and drive them adjusted. They are his favorites, and it circles right to them like a magnet. That account, I might as well get it over with and take him there. I know what is the excitement, as if I did not comply. I walk around and look at the little trains, while he plays, and he finally gets out from the table and begins to look at. I've never been out of business without buying at least one train. Fortuanaly he has an excellent memory and knows exactly what he was at home already so I've never doubled via the purchase of worry, I let him tell me what he needs. They are not as expensive, and I can usually get out in that section with this one for under $ 5.00.

I always look at these educational toys while I'm there. If I already spend money on gifts that I buy for Christmas special, and drive up the gifts in my whole house to witness the coming years, then I like to get my money's worth out of this formation they produced. They are toys but quite expensive, and I sometimes just to see if I like it or not, after looking them in thrift stores and flea markets. I'm very lucky to buy these things second hand. Children grow out of them, or do not use them because they to educational institutions for them to have fun are, and they end up in thrift stores for anything as far as possible and yet completely new. I have nevertheless between them a first look at the toy store because the ones in the second-hand shops not Above, batteries, or labels, and I can not say what they do. I buy quality second hand I wipe it with bleach to dissinfect them and they look brand new. I can not say how many toys have my kids for Christmas that had come from second-hand. I do not care what you think about it. It just depends on what they think about it, and most of the time, they do not have contact (to JM). The difference. Your game is no different with it either if I had fifty dollars for her or 1.99 eradicated. It still does the same things. Autistic children are not responsible for their patience, though by name and rank, and he wants what he sees there in the island immediately. He will touch and start every show. What noise is enough to get by with a salesman: "I Can anything help you" draw. I always say no, and probably seems very suspicious that I go like clockwork, without buying anything.

 Then we will try to hurry past the girl stuff. Social identity is difficult for autistic children. They do not understand things like vehicles are for boys and dolls for girls. If it is perceptible, pretty, nice as they are simple and they do not see why they should not. He always sees something, the one he prefers the one girl to section. Microphones are great, but I can not buy him one with Hannah Montanna on it (although I think she's cute!) It's pink with rhinestones, and her pretty face. You can see that he is much like Hannah. He, like her pretty face. It's crazy girl in that fact so that it is a pretty girl at the microphone is to attract. Which Barbie pink sports cars, small stuffed animals in pet stores pink. Horse with Rainbow Maine (he loves a rainbow). What a nightmare. I would like to say to him, he can entail, so I do not want him to go to school and choose the toys, these are for the girls, he is tormented by other boys. We pull up to this same converstaion related and top. "Some toys are for girls and some toys for boys." I say. He replies: "Well boys and girls toys and boys and girls toys." "Yes, I know." I say, "and there are some toys for girls you can play with, as opposed to those that receive very girlish look like you picked on the boy." "Now, I like girls, boys are just mean to me." "Not because they are mean to you. Just the nasty are, however, be gender stereo-types, or think my child is gay, because he wanted girls toys. All I know is they better say to me what it is .

Then we move on to those wonderful earlier battery-powered cars that are big enough to be chauffeured in a hurry. My son has a battery powered motorcycle, but he did so many of these small cars being taken, such as Jay Leno has a big car, if I would let him. I can not afford smoothly, come into consideration in this area. Besides after he gets into one of these, there a thousand "Here you go, Mom. Please" will be. before I made it.

Finally we stopped in the musical instrument section. He loves music, and although I can not play, what I really hope he will get one day. As far as I'm concerned selfsame educational toys. If I hand over money because it's Christmas so have a really good investment. Now do not get me wrong, I get to my tools together with the second hand store. If I'm lucky I can show him a real electronic keyboard instruments, for less than what some of these toys those costs, and if he breaks it, because he goes through them like water, I'm not as bad plenty of money. I still stop and for instructional books, games and toys. Anything that can teach him, which I do not know how to do is. While we were in this island, he heard his father, who only a few islands was high with his older brother. He ran to find his father. I yelled to see if he was sure, and if his father said. "Yes, I got him" I went back to look. I was in this island stands with my hands on my hips looking at the matter uff (berlinerisch) something, if he fly here beyond the island came to me. His father had come, was so behind in several steps themselves. Now, autistic children are not published for their coordination and balance skills. He he did not veer right enough. He hit his head right into my protruding elbow. I grabbed him and rubbed his head and told him I was sad contrast, practically it is his fault. You just have to say I'm sad because it does hurt to know something. Qua he seemed okay, I let him be possible. He went until the end of which island, where a mother standing with her son. They were touched Notwithstanding he is not, he had the attention of another child. "My Mom". He replied. "You hurt me here." and he was near his right eye. I was already out of the way via the island to get him, but it was too late. This mom, that was standing there with my eyes closed, I grabbed his hand after qua led one from him. I was so humiliated, but I tried it again and brush off the cart. She trotted with her son in which hand, and a few moments later, a red aproned workers appeared at the other end of the island. She was almost as young as my eldest son, stood with her hands on her hips, so that no bones about who it was she was c / o of the starring roles. "May I help you, what?" she sneered. "No thanks" I unnerve murmmered largely into tears. She stood there so long that I became uncomfortable and moved to the next island. Assembling moment later she was at the end that even one. I took my son who stormed past my husband's hand, barely get the words "let us move." And we went. I cried the whole way home. When we got home, I'm out of the car and walked up the street. "I've put together for a walk" is the totality of what I said to my husband understand that he would continue to put the children to bed. I went and I talked to God. He is the only one that I will listen to without judgeing. He did not judge me (after), because he knows what really happened. Have looked like I must be nuts to cry to the neighbors and babbleing in the dark as I walked around the block. Finally, I began to cool down afterwards and I went home and went to bed.

I love my son. I am a good mother. I would bulllet before one of my children, without hesitation continued. The one is the truth. I want to say is that I do not care what people think. That would not be true. It hurts. It hurts to see what they think about it, what they think of plenty of my husband, and what they think of me also. This is the truth. Most of them lead to not have the courage to just ask you, your face, which is the truth. And every single one of them, I can keep their faces like a book, lecture, incidentally when they say things like: ". May I help you" Their faces say you are terrible. They demonstrate what assumptions, and then actually witness allegations without really knowing anything. This mother did not see anything, added I know they said that I was a salesgirl chastise my child. The saleswoman did not see anything, but they had no problem with shameing me to tears. Gossipers and tellers of stories in which the Bible warns, the only people really going to have no idea what they do and the real effect of it when they start running their mouth.

If this is the result of a simple trip to the toy store, you can imagine the difficulties that come with the everyday events of a child with autism. Want to know why we parents of autistic children often bruised and sound deffensive? The one would be, because we are often battered and with us about things that happen like clockwork indefensible. Can Someday I'll wish I could put together to provide video recorder all the time wearing so when the people with their mouths, I begin to show them the truth. I know that if there is a camera in the toy business Isle, it shows the exact incident, I said. So much for America, where you are innocent until proven guilty. Today, you need only defendants are sentenced to jail or anything, I do not move, as opposed to me and my family were to be judged and punished before we got to say even one word

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